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Knowing How to Use the CMS Inappropriately

Posted: Mon Feb 20, 2023 7:27 am
by romanaRM
Having a website is an obligation for all companies. Without a website , the company will be considered unprofessional and less trusted. But not only have a website , but also need to use or manage the right website . Usually, the website has a CMS (Content Management System) which is used to make the website easy to manage. However, there are ways to use CMS that are not appropriate but unfortunately are not realized. Before getting into the main discussion, what are CMS actually doing today? There are three CMS that are most used to create a good website . There's WordPress, Joomla, and Drupal. But besides that, there are also several companies that decide to use a CMS that was built by themselves or the term custom.

In managing or using a CMS, of course there are rules or standards that should be obeyed and always done. Unfortunately, many companies are not aware or even do not care about how to use CMS. They Country Email List only care about the company having a website and then stop there. Even though with good website management , it can finally bring traffic to the website and ultimately increase brand awareness as well. Don't let your company miss this great opportunity. So what are some of the wrong ways to use a CMS? How to fix it? To find out the answer to this question, see the full explanation below. Not Making Good Content The first mistake in using a CMS is not creating content properly. In having a website , it is certain that it must be filled with a variety of content that supports the company.


Starting from introductions, stories about the company, contacts, to descriptions of the products or services being sold. Unfortunately, many companies are not serious about creating content. Finally, the website contains only sober information. Of course that is the wrong way. Instead of being used for marketing and promotion, in the end the website just became a formality. Instead, make the content in it well and update it regularly. Not Doing SEO Optimization In CMS, it's easier to do SEO optimization. Call it inside WordPress. There are plugins like Yoast SEO that help with the optimization process. Unfortunately, many websites only provide the latest content regardless of SEO optimization.