Create highly satisfying content

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Create highly satisfying content

Post by Wade »

Then, create content based on the information you researched. You can because you can create content that resolves the needs and concerns of your readers. 3-3. come up with an appealing title to get people to read your content. No matter how good your content is, if the title isn't appealing, it won't catch people's attention. In fact, it's more important to spend time on the title than on the content. Therefore, the Uru Chikara editorial department has listed the following seven points to make the title more attractive. Please use this as a reference when choosing a title. ① Add numbers Numbers are one of the most powerful words that attract people. For example, "Latest version 2018", "9 recommended selections", "Understand in 5 minutes", etc.

Use words that have an impact If you want to stand out even Germany Phone Number Data slightly from your competitors, use words that have an impact. For example, ``That's all there is to it'', ``A surprising method'', ``What about...?'', etc. ③Make it seem like ``easy to understand/obtain'' For example, ``9 recommended items'', ``summary'', ``all about'', etc. ④ Make it concise and concise . Don't make it long and make it easy to understand at a glance in one second. ⑤ Matches the keyword target It is important whether the target searching for her keyword is something that they would want to see. For example, you may have keywords that beginners would search for, but you don't make the title suitable for advanced users.


Keep the number of characters to around 30 For more information, see " [2018 Latest Edition] What is the optimal number of characters for the title tag for SEO? " ⑦ Make sure the title and content match If the title and content don't match, it may not be displayed in a search in the first place. 3-4.Write easy-to-read sentences Text can be made easier to read with a few tweaks. The Uruchikara editorial department recommends using the following three points to make the text easier to read.
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