Bosses pay the price because

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[email protected]
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Bosses pay the price because

Post by [email protected] »

exist. But everyone paid a price.they become the bottleneck and they become overwhelmed and they feel like, “I’m trying to do everyone else’s job as well as my own job.” Michael Bongay Stanier Well, that’s right. I mean, I run a small company, so we go through situations all the time where, I'm the founder, who, for those of you who are listening, are the founders or leaders of their companies. Or, the temptation to be the one with the answers is so strong, because after all, you founded the company, your name is on it somewhere, and the people on your team come to you as the ones who have the answers. The temptation is also strong.

"People who seek answers pay the price because they don't have the opportunity to grow, learn, feel like they have agency, mastery, and purpose. These are the three drivers Dan Pink talks about in his book Driving Malaysia WhatsApp Number But you hire these people because of their intelligence and what they can bring to your organization, and you know that if you get the opportunity to realize the full potential of what these people can bring to your small business, your small business will flourish.


And organizations, no matter their size, pay a price because you train people not to think but to just follow orders and advice, and that's not always the best advice. So there's a part of you that's like, "Sometimes I just want answers," and that's true for everybody, but I think for people listening to this podcast, those are the people who are like, "Look, I'm There’s a sense of autonomy, I have a sense of growth, I want to shape my own life, I want to take responsibility for my own freedom,” and these people are eager to “ask me a question” so I can solve some problems myself. Become more like The challenge of coaching… at, we say we don’t train people to be coaches, we train managers and leaders to be more like coaches, not just that you have a long-term habit of giving advice and you get rewarded with badges over the years and all that , this is simply not clear.
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