LinkedIn Prospecting: Best Practices & Messaging Examples

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LinkedIn Prospecting: Best Practices & Messaging Examples

Post by Sumaiya123 »

LinkedIn is a gold mine of prospect information for sales and outreach. But the platform is so vast, it can be hard to know where to begin. It can also be daunting if you prefer a low-key approach and don’t want to be seen as aggressive or “salesy.”

If you find yourself hesitating, it’s essential to remember that LinkedIn is a professional network where individuals seek connections and build relationships. Engaging in inbound sales is a natural part of fostering professional relationships, and users on the platform anticipate and even welcome such approaches. In fact, statistics reveal that “50% of B2B buyers rely on LinkedIn when making purchase decisions.”

Even so, there are dos and don’ts when it comes to prospecting UAE Phone Number on LinkedIn. Even though people are anticipating LinkedIn prospecting, you can still annoy them if you don’t do it right – and annoyed prospects are not viable prospects.

Cold Prospecting vs. Value Bombing
Cold prospecting and “value bombing” are two alternate ways of approaching people you don’t personally know on LinkedIn


Cold prospecting is the modern equivalent of cold calling. It means contacting a person you don’t know to (tastefully) tell them more about your services. It has a bit of a bad reputation, but if you choose the right targets and the right approach, you can still see good results.

Others say the way to go is value bombing – contacting someone you don’t know purely to offer them something of value without expecting anything in return. It establishes trust and familiarity, which can provide a good basis for a professional relationship down the road.

There is no clear consensus on which approach is better, so the best idea is to aim for somewhere in the middle and take advantage of any open doors along the way.

If you’re really focused on getting the most out of LinkedIn, sooner or later you’ll probably consider looking into technological help. There are loads of tools out there designed to expedite various LinkedIn functions.

At the same time, you should also read LinkedIn’s terms of service, as the platform has plenty of rules on the subject. It’s wise not to do anything that goes against these terms, nor is it advisable to automate entire processes, like sending InMails or searching.
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