Benefits, Challenges & How to Hire the Right Type of Salesperson

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Benefits, Challenges & How to Hire the Right Type of Salesperson

Post by tanjima56 »

The world of sales is vast, with various strategies and requirements. Enterprise sales is something that should be on every B2B company’s mind. It provides unique opportunities, but also immense challenges. In this article, we’ll explore what enterprise sales is and how to build a sales team to execute on it.

What is Enterprise Sales?
Enterprise sales is a unique concept in the world of B2B. As opposed to selling UAE Phone Number[/url ]to startups or sole business owners, enterprise refers to large corporate solutions. It differs from other types of sales due to the sales cycle, decision makers, and risks involved.The key ways that enterprise sales is different include:

Higher Risk – Enterprise sales represent a lot more risk to the organization in terms of revenue.
Longer Sales Cycle – It could take six months or longer to close the deal
Many Decision Makers – There are often six to 10 decision makers, as opposed to one or two.
Complex Sales vs. Transactional Sales
Complex (enterprise) sales and transactional sales are very different. Transactional sales are those that most people recognize because they see it every day. They involve straightforward, fast decisions.


Examples would be buying a television from Best Buy, or a SMB buying a new table for their conference room. These transactional sales represent relatively low risk. And the sales cycle is relatively fast.

For this reason, many startups focus on selling transactional products early on. They can be sold in 30 to 60 days without a complicated buying process. On the other hand, enterprise sales requires several months of intense communication between the prospect and the sales rep.
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