The Ultimate Guide to Conversational Marketing

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The Ultimate Guide to Conversational Marketing

Post by Sharmin1 »

Emerging automation technologies are changing the way businesses communicate with their customers and among each other. They also enable businesses to do more with less, keeping them competitive with ten times bigger companies.

Conversational marketing is the perfect example of how companies tackle the scalability challenges they experience. It’s the ideal approach to quickly respond to thousands of customers without having them wait in line.

That kind of benefit was only available to enterprises with huge customer support departments. In this guide, we’re going to cover all the essentials of conversational marketing, including:

What is it?
What are the benefits of using it?
How to implement it?
Keep reading to see what are the top platforms for creating automated communication. You’ll also find a couple of examples from brands that have successfully implemented it in their marketing approach.

What is conversational marketing?
Conversational marketing is an automated form of communication that businesses are increasingly employing. The core of the technology relies on chatbots, which simulate human-like conversations.

Their effectiveness and practicality have made them an important element in business-customer communication and the strategic planning around it. Businesses discover key customer details, so they have all the necessary information to continue the contact when the conversations switch to the support agent.

In the end, conversational marketing helps businesses provide outstanding service throughout different parts of the lead funnel.

Benefits of using conversational marketing
Conversational marketing is appealing due to its UAE Phone Number

cost-effectiveness, among other things. Companies are consistently looking for ways to reduce costs, and implementing a chatbot is a great way to achieve that goal.

But that’s only the tip of the iceberg. While saving costs is important, businesses get many other benefits. Let’s explore them in more detail.

The best part is that they don’t have to leave the website or the app. Customers can reach out, get help and continue where they’ve left off while using your platform.


Additionally, chatbots are available at all times. It’s irrelevant whether your customer is local or in a different time zone. They’ll be able to get in touch and get the answer they’re looking for. Besides being available 24/7, chatbots are available everywhere. You can make them work:

Learning more about customers
Depending on how you set up your artificial communication, you can learn more about your customers through automated interaction. Use the data to create cross-selling opportunities in the future. Understand what are the most common pain points and work on improving your product.

What’s more, with a higher count of interactions, you’ll be able to create better conversation flows. That’ll result in more human-like interaction in the future.

Building powerful relationships
Customer loyalty is the primary goal for businesses in all industries. Businesses can grow easily with an increasing number of returning clients. High-quality customer service is one of the powerful ways to increase customer loyalty, and conversational marketing greatly helps you achieve this.

From the moment a user lands on your website, a simple pop-up in the form of a chat shows that you value their visit and you’re there for them. Visitors will feel valued as they browse your website, especially if your recommendation with help is what they need.

For example, if you’re running a SaaS company and a potential client is on your plans page, you can use a live chat pop-up to help them pick the right plan. These minor interactions can positively affect conversion rates.

With the help of advanced tools like an AI chatbot builder, businesses can easily create and customize automated conversational interfaces. This enables seamless interactions with customers, providing real-time assistance, and even facilitating transactions. Thus, they can streamline customer support processes, and ultimately generate more leads.

With that in mind, no matter how big your company becomes, your team will be able to handle thousands of requests without sacrificing the quality of their service.

How to implement conversational marketing
Benefits show that it’s not a matter of whether you need a conversational marketing tool but how you should implement it. The process is not that complex. Still, it requires careful planning every step of the way.

1. Are all your tools compatible?
First, you have to check whether all the platforms you’re planning to use can work together. For example, if you’re using WooCommerce, BigCommerce or Magento platforms for your eCommerce website, check whether they play along with the conversational marketing tool you’re planning to use.

Simply head over to the platform’s website and see whether the integrations work. If not, opt for one that you can implement seamlessly.

2. Plan out your buyer’s journey
Before you start using a tool, you need to figure out where to place them on your website. But to do that, you first have to map out your buyer’s journey.

As you already have the data, take a look at how the users navigate your website. Detect their pain points and challenges. For example, if you notice a high cart abandonment rate, that means that there’s a problem with that page that needs addressing.

After you detect pages where people are experiencing challenges, turn them into candidates for conversational marketing pop-ups. Once you take this step, you can move on to the hardest part of chatbots creation, the dialogue design.

3. Create complex automated dialogues
The biggest challenge of making an effective chatbot remains the human element. You need to design dialogues that sound like a real person. That way, the users are more likely to interact with the chatbot and continue using it in the future.
As you’ll see in examples later, many brands opt to start conversations by offering choices to customers. The chatbot takes the initiative of driving the conversation in a specific direction.

This process takes the most time and needs continuous improvement. Monitor how the customers are interacting with your chatbots and make improvements to the dialogues. Make them more human, effective and professional.

4. Add automated follow-ups
As previously mentioned, using data collection is a benefit that lets you build even closer relationships with your clients. Based on the collected data, you can create automated email follow-ups. It’s another opportunity to request feedback from your customer.

5. Deploy, analyze user behavior and improve
Don’t think that once you set up your chatbot, you can lay back and relax. You’ll have to put in a lot of effort to make it effective as intended. Analyze every interaction and measure how effective it was. Are the pop-ups in the right place? Does the chatbot help solve challenges?
If not, what can you do about it? Keep asking these questions and make updates that help improve customer experience.
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