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We will explain

Posted: Tue Dec 05, 2023 8:19 am
by Rakhi923
An email notification containing a link to download the CSV file containing your lead list. Evaboot does much more than export your list. It also cleans all the names and company names. linkedin sales navigator extraction cleaning The data on Linkedin is not clean. Cleaning data from your sales navigator export can take hours if you do it manually. cleanshot at Hopefully, the Evaboot cleaning algorithm takes care of all this work for you by automatically cleaning: First names Last names Company names Job titles Nobody wants to spend hours cleaning Excel files.

Better let robots do this boring job. cleaning sales Phone Number navigator scraping Plus, you will often find false-positive inside your linkedin sales navigator search results. Even if you are using super precise linkedin search operators. sales navigator false positives You will frequently find leads that don’t match with the search filters you chose in the Sales Navigator search engine. linkedin sales navigator filters problem That is why a lot of people spend hours double-checking their search results manually.


This is a painful task. No problem. Evaboot is the smartest Sales Navigator scraper because our algorithm double-check your leads to see you if they really match with your search filters you selected. filtering sales navigator export In this export, there is a column named “No Match Reasons”. This column will tell you if your leads really match your search filters. If they don’t, why. In this example the leads have the wrong title. The initial search was looking for Growth Marketers. Export Sales Navigator leads for free If you want to know how to reduce the number of false-positives in your sales navigator searches, you can our complete sales navigator tutorial.