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Chris Martinez Sorry I stole this

Posted: Mon May 20, 2024 10:24 am
Or do you immediately start thinking about what to do next? There’s a long career ahead of you. Digital marketing is a fascinating field so I jumped right into the next thing. John Jentsch Yes. So we're going to talk about that but have you ever specifically paid attention and said this is the next thing to tackle or do you feel like you just stumbled upon an opportunity when you sell a business they ask you for obvious reasons not to recreate the same Home business is this perfect and reasonable so I'm just looking for digital marketing opportunities but in addition to the use of Google yes I mentioned in the intro that customers are what website visitor identification remarketing pixels. So you absolutely need to be able to communicate to them how what you're doing is helping them and what that person should do next. from Donald Miller. I'm almost Dennis Miller. Donald Miller in because a lot of what he says is "hard-tested" so those are three elements and more along the lines of copywriting.

A lot of people a lot of listeners know what remarketing is Faroe Islands Email List but maybe we should start there. In the advertising world, what exactly is remarketing? What is an extremely effective way to target ads to users who have recently visited your website? The reason this method is so effective is the likelihood that people will interact with ads from brands they have heard of. two to three times higher But you definitely want to have these three things top of mind when it comes to layout and design which means before someone has to scroll down your website this is what your visitor will see. Then comes the call to action primary call to action and then the secondary call to action. Chris Martinez Then as you scroll through other content we recommend such as testimonials and social proof.


It solves this problem by narrowing your ad targeting to people who have recently visited your website which means they are looking for the products and services you are selling and have heard of you. It's the crown jewel of ad targeting methods or historically it's been the crown jewel of ad targeting methods and it's driven the growth of digital advertising that's driven the growth of the company. So back in the day especially in your text stream days maybe you didn't have the exact numbers but if you could retarget someone how much more likely or how much better would that be in terms of conversion rates return on ad spend and things of that nature? How effective is an order of magnitude better. This is a very, very simple explanation of how to help your customers get from point to point so ideally it will show your three or four step system. That's basically it. I also like simple things are images right you want images that show real people. So real images will always outperform stock images and you want to show images of people who look like your ideal customers.