Can businesses call their existing customers after 8 PM?

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Can businesses call their existing customers after 8 PM?

Post by asadul737475 »

The National Do Not Call Registry is a database maintained by the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) that allows individuals to register their phone numbers to opt out of receiving telemarketing calls. Telemarketers are required by law to scrub their call lists against the numbers on the registry and refrain from calling those numbers. However, some telemarketers may still call numbers on the registry due to oversight or intentional disregard of the rules. In these cases, individuals may wonder if they have legal recourse to sue telemarketers for violating the regulations.

One potential avenue for individuals to pursue legal action against telemarketers who call numbers on the National Do Not Call Registry is through the Telephone Poland Phone Number Consumer Protection Act (TCPA). Enacted in 1991, the TCPA was designed to protect consumers from unwanted telemarketing calls and restrict the use of automated dialing systems. The TCPA prohibits telemarketers from making unsolicited calls to numbers on the Do Not Call list and imposes penalties for violations of the law.


Under the TCPA, individuals who receive telemarketing calls to numbers on the Do Not Call list may be able to file a lawsuit against the telemarketers for violating the law. The TCPA provides for damages of up to $500 per violation, which can be increased to $1,500 per violation for willful violations of the law. This means that individuals who receive repeated calls from telemarketers to numbers on the Do Not Call list may be entitled to significant compensation for the violations.
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