The study found that the majority

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The study found that the majority

Post by afrinakhter »

Innovate in your SEO positioning strategy to improve web positioning: change, analyze, change, analyze... Gone are the times when Internet users and web search engines searched for misleading concepts where web pages with generic keywords appeared in the first results situations. Now users are true specialists in the possibilities and precision that web search engines offer and they make the most of it by doing specific searches according to each moment and specific need.

That fact, together with the, makes the possibilities unlimited to Macedonia Email List improve the web positioning of the business and to find just what the web user wants! Currently, the Internet user already makes very specific searches, to have a specific response from the web search engine and not have to go down through the list of results that it offers.


2.1) How long do my website texts have to be? A study carried out some time ago by found a direct relationship between the length of the content of a web page and its positioning in Internet search engines. of web pages ranked in the top 3 for different keywords had up to 2,500 words in that web section that the web search engine was targeting. Each section of your website or blog article should have around 2.50o words perfectly focused on the target keywords in your business field.
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