There is still a risk because theoretically

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There is still a risk because theoretically

Post by shapangfhwsf »

The transferred to WABA and here too it will be easier with the help of intermediaries.Once your account is registered and activated you can fill out your profile with company information. It is convenient for users to receive useful data directly in the messenger without asking for it. In addition people trust completed accounts more.Mailing via WABA is free of charge. And not just the newsletter. You need to pay for all dialogues both those initiated by the client and those initiated by the company. There are several categories for messages services authentication marketing and support. The price depends on what category the template you send to the client belongs to.

Learn more about current WABA tariffs. How business in Russia advances without prohibited social networksAfter sending the template to the client a hour window opens within which you can write an unlimited number of messages to the client but only on a given topic. If you need to submit a new template from a different category the window will close and Angola Email List a new one will open. At the same time WABA offers its clients a bonus the first thousand conversations started by the client are free. How to get a green tick and why In order for the client to see the company name instead of a phone number and have a nice green checkmark next to it you need to verify your WABA account.


Verification is quite difficult and small local brands rarely succeed. Meta does a thorough check before issuing a checkmark.People are more willing to respond to messages when they understand who is writing to them.Can I be blocked for sending messages via WABAMailings that do not violate the rules will almost never be blocked. your recipients could click the Report button en masse. This is unlikely since you are submitting an approved template.To eliminate the risk of blockingdo not send advertising.
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