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How to reject low-quality external links

Posted: Tue May 21, 2024 5:08 am
by Emaillist0951
Seranking allows you to check the following parameters: the number of backlinks; URLs of pages with links to your website; IP addresses and geolocation of referring sites (donor sites); the number of reposts of the linked pages on Facebook; anchors. best backlink checker tool Seranking takes data from Moz DA, Alexa Rank, and Google index. Pros: democratic pricing policy, no need to buy a monthly plan, you can check all links for one site for $1. Cons: Communication with technical support sometimes takes time. Read also: How to get high quality backlinks & Best SEO Chrome extensions.

8 Improving your link profile: After analysis, you may find backlinks to Montserrat Email List your site from dubious sources. Links from non-trust sites, even if they were posted without your knowledge, can lower search engine results. In such a situation, you can contact the site owner and ask him to remove the link, or put rel = "nofollow" on it. use the Disavow Links Tool. However, if used incorrectly, the tool can harm the site. Therefore, before using it, you need to understand the following things: the Disavow Links Tool does not remove links from donor sites, but minimizes the negative impact on the position of the site; disavow links if you are sure that they caused a decrease in positions or if you received an email about the detection of unnatural links from Google; after removing bad links, search algorithms will automatically revise the positions.


Submitted requests are processed for about a week. Remember that removing backlinks takes longer than posting. Collaborator Officially Integrated Ahrefs Metrics 5 minutes 26 May Analysis of donor sites for ordering guest posts has always been and remains a priority for us. To optimize this process for users, we have implemented an official integration with one of the most popular and sought-after analytical platforms — Ahrefs. Now, data sufficient for SEO analysis is available directly in the customer's interface on the Collaborator site. This is a unique official partnership, which has no analogs on the market.