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There are many reasons for an incorrectly

Posted: Tue May 21, 2024 6:43 am
by seoexpate500
Product testing It is important not to be afraid of mistakes. Even if at the testing stage it turned out that the product does not suit most users, this is not a failed result. Now you know what is not worth your efforts and attention. If the reviews are mostly positive, you can celebrate the victory. The most common mistakes when applying design thinking found solution when implementing the design thinking methodology. We have collected some of the most common ones: A one-sided view of the problems of users of the future product.

That is why it is important to involve specialists from different fields in the process. Bahamas Email List use of design thinking: not enough attention is paid to the first two stages - empathy and focus. Too much criticism during idea generation. Not only does this slow down the process, really worthy thoughts can simply get "lost". Before brainstorming, agree that criticism is not allowed and follow it. How to develop design thinking? Design thinking can and should be developed, especially for those who work with product creation — in programming, graphics, web or UI/UX design, brand or product management, marketing.


Even if you are more of an analyst than a creative person and creativity is not your strong point. Start small - look at what surrounds you and makes life more convenient, think about how these things are arranged, try to understand why you decided to create them. Consider what needs improvement in your daily routine. For example, how to facilitate work processes or get together faster in the morning. The main thing is to approach the issue in a non-trivial way. Observe other people: what can cause them discomfort and what are the options for solving the problem.