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In order for the chosen profession to be relevant

Posted: Tue May 21, 2024 6:48 am
by seoexpate500
Offer to attend (online or offline) master classes, workshops, intensives, not limited to 1-2 directions. The more a teenager tries for himself, the higher the chances of finding a really similar business. Relevance of professions in the future Even such "eternal" specialties as a doctor or a teacher are changing due to the active development of technology. and bring good income in the future, you need to take this into account when choosing. Study the real demand on the labor market: look at popular sites with vacancies ( work.

ua , , ), read research on the demand for professions Montenegro Email List the last year. In addition, we advise you to focus on foreign resources, because it is the Western markets that set the trends for the next few years. Taking into account the previous factors (temperament and hobbies), make a list of 10-15 suitable professions and ask the child to mark the few most interesting to him. The main thing is not to pressure and give the right to make an independent choice. A personal example How often do you talk about work problems over dinner together? If it is stable a couple of times a week, it must be changed urgently.


A child tends to imitate his parents from an early age, so try to be a good example not only personally, but also professionally. Observing your love for your profession, the teenager will understand that he can find a job to his liking. Spend time on what you really love and inspire by your own example! Career choices The role of parents in choosing a profession: 8 useful tips In order to help the child as much as possible in choosing the right professional path, and at the same time avoid possible conflicts (when determining a specialization or in the future), follow the following recommendations.